Residents of Oxford have shared their views in an online discussion about the shops they'd like to see reopen in the city.

A recent post on Oxford Mail's Facebook page painted a varied picture of consumer wishlists, with popular votes cast for Costco, IKEA, and Matalan among other businesses.

The suggestions encompassed a wide range of categories from supermarkets, to toy shops, entertainment venues, furniture stores, and restaurants, illustrating the diverse needs and interests of the residents.

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Issues like access to the city were raised by some, mirroring the views of David Huffadine-smith who stated "Never mind opening a shop, it would be nice just to be able to get into Oxford."

Others, like Scott Rankin, mourned the closure of local stores, wishing for them to reopen rather than attracting new ones.

Even though bright ideas for new businesses came in plenty, with Benjamin Lucas Paterson teasing the opening of "London vibe bars/entertainment", Mahmoud Al-Hadad's suggestion of "entertainment place with music, affordable home made food and dance suitable for over 30" sounded enticing, the discussion also revealed nostalgia for stores of the past, particularly Woolworths and C&A.

The comment by Alan Campbell to bring back "Les and Dons in the Westgate" indicated that residents not only want more shops, but they also cherish memories of prior businesses.

Yet other contributors like Janet Ashby felt disheartened, stating that engaging in the subject is a "waste of time".